October is one of our favourite months. It’s when students are being inducted to their roles, our recruitment is coming to an end and we start feeling our best spooky selves.
Student Leadership Training
This year, we made changes to our Student Leadership Trainings and are delivering them nationally every month. This month, our Cambridge Hub Manager, Toby Pallatt delivered a Public Speaking session to student leaders across the country.
Pumpkins are not Just for Carving
We are in the spooky season now and pumpkins are all the rage. In this month’s blog, we wanted to share all the ways pumpkins are great. Pumpkins are great for carving, for decoration and for eating.
Did you know that in this year alone 22 million pumpkins are expected to go to waste?
One of our Community Partners from Kingston Hub, Hubbub, are running an incredible #EatYourPumpkin campaign. They are sharing so much information about pumpkin waste and have shared incredibly delicious pumpkin recipes as well. You can find all the incredible recipes here.
In the Spotlight
This month, we would like to put our new Kingston Hub Staff Members in the spotlight. Our new Kingston Hub Projects Officer, Emily, is a recent Kingston University Graduate and studied BA Human Rights & Social Justice. Emily was also our Local Action Coordinator in Kingston Hub Committee before their graduation. She will be leading our volunteering projects such as Empower & Schools+ in Kingston. We also have a new Kingston Hub Programmes Manager, Louise, who also is a recent Kingston University Graduate and studied MA Communications Design: Illustration. Louise will be leading our in-curricular Community Engaged Learning projects.

What to Look Out For
- Student Hubs Book Club is opening to the public very soon..
If you are a book lover like most of our staff team, we are launching our Book Club in November. In January, our staff team created their own Book Club and we wanted to share the love for books with all book lovers in our network. We will be launching our Book Club on Discord. More information will be shared soon on our Alumni Network Facebook group.
- Graduate Impact Survey
If you have graduated from one of our Hub universities, we have released a survey to understand our impact in the long-term. You can find the link to our survey here.
- Alumni Wrap-Up
Check our instagram stories for our usual biweekly alumni wrap-up for more news and opportunities. The next Alumni Wrap-Up is today!