June Update: Hub Jobs, Alumni Network and What’s Next?
June has been a busy month for the Southampton Hub staff team, even as our students leave Southampton for the summer. So, what have the staff team — those mysterious ‘behind the scenes’ people — been doing?
Graduate recruitment:
We said goodbye to our Projects Officer Clara Johnston last week, and we’re very sad to see her go. However, that does mean that a new job has become available for a Youth Projects Officer with the Southampton Hub team. Here’s a taste of what you’ll be doing in our 7-month role:
- Delivering activity days and activity sessions as part of Branch Up and our Sport England (Active and Branch Up Active) projects for 7–15 year olds;

- Supporting our student committee and volunteers on the delivery of Code Plus, Libraries Plus and Empower;
- Receiving training as part of our Worthwhile graduate scheme (which also works with a range of social impact organisations and is still taking applications);
- Getting an insight into what it’s like to work for a charity, and more!
If you’re interested, make sure you get your application in now and see all the other fantastic roles Student Hubs offering. Our Winchester Hub is also looking for a Projects Officer, so if you want to stay in Hampshire, check out that role too!
Feedback and video case studies:
Fiona and Natalie have been busy scheduling lots of posts on social media to encourage our volunteers to do end of year feedback. Natalie has also been calling volunteers to remind them to fill it out online or conduct feedback over the phone. As a national charity, feedback is super important for us to show our projects’ impact and we want to hear what we can do to improve our projects for next year.
We can’t wait to see the launch of the national Student Hubs Impact Report 17–18 soon and Southampton Hub will be sending out their Hub report to all volunteers by the end of next month.
Natalie and Fiona have also been conducting video case studies with members of our committee, as shown to the left.
We want to hear a range of experiences so if you’re interested in taking part in a video case study, get in touch with Natalie Rowell, our Volunteering Support Officer, and we can organise a time to get your video case study recorded.
Look out for some new video content from Southampton Hub very soon!
Alumni network:
If you’re graduating this year, make sure you don’t lose touch with the Student Hubs network. Sign up to our alumni network to hear updates from the Hubs, job alerts, information about meet-ups and sector news.
We will also be looking for Southampton Hub alumni to take part in a new mentoring scheme for our Hub volunteers, so if you’re interested in that keep an eye on our social media for more information soon.
What’s next?
Recruitment will be opening in September for all projects, but in the meantime you can register your interest in projects here and we’ll get in touch once applications open. We’re also going to be updating our website content to better showcase our projects and what you’ll get out of being part of Southampton Hub as a volunteer, so keep your eyes peeled for those updates.
That’s it for June! Keep up to date with our Facebook, Twitter and our website in the meantime for any updates, and we look forward to seeing you all in July.