- Celebrating social impact
- The University of Cambridge
- April 2024
- No experience with the Hub needed
What are the Vice Chancellor’s Social Impact Awards?
The Vice-Chancellor’s Social Impact Awards were launched for the first time by Cambridge Hub in 2018-19, to celebrate students who have shown exceptional achievement in, and commitment to, creating positive social change. Since then, the awards run every year to celebrate and recognise the efforts made by students to have a positive impact in their local and global community.
Our award categories are:
- Social Impact Award
- Volunteering Award
- Innovation Award
- Sustainability Award
- Local Impact Award
- Global Impact Award

The 2024 Awards
The Volunteering Award: Kate Lucas
The Innovation Award: William Lan
The Sustainability Award: Clara Ma
The Undergraduate Student Awards: Sakshi Jha, Millie May, Faustine Petron and Josephine Somerville
The PhD Student Awards: Samantha Hodder, Swetha Kannan, Mine Koprulu, Nazifa Rafa and Mayumi Sato
The Masters Student Award: Ming Hong Choi
The Global Impact Award: Paulina Pérez-Duarte Mendiola
The Impact in the Local Community Award: Zara Crapper

Nominees should be individual students currently studying at The University of Cambridge. Please note you cannot nominate yourself, so if you’d like to be nominated please ask a relevant person to put in the nomination for you.
Each year a panel of judges made up of academics, students and others involved in social action decide the winners for each Award.
Please contact us at info@cambridgehub.org with any questions.